Bhagavata Purana mentions Eleven types/ paths of Devotion/ Bhakti. These are the ways one can achieveSalvation/ Moksha. Listed below are the ways and famous people who have attained salvation from each path of Devotion.
Path of Devotion Best
1) Through Hearing about God King
2) Through Chanting of Devotional
songs Devarshi Narada
3) Through Remembrane of the Lord Prahlad
4) Through Attending to Lord's feet Godess
5) Through Worship and offering King
6) Through Singing in Praise of the
Lord Boliraj
7) Through Service to Lord Lord
Hanuman, through his service to Lord Rama
8) Through Divine friendship Arjuna,
through his friendship to Lord Krishna
9) Through self surrender to the
Lord Karna
10) Through Meditation and
concentration Lord Mahadeva
11) Through Love and longing Radha,
through her longing for Lord Krishna